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Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Update: Finally, Kenya's Rogue Finance Minister Amos Kimunya Forced to Resign (Read Fired)

In his resignation speech he said he had held consultations with the President, his family and constituents before resigning. He insists that his hands are clean and his conscious is clear.

"I am stepping aside to pave way for investigations" he said

Whatever may have transpired within the last 6 hours must have been very devastating for the minister since by last night, Amos Kimunya, implicated in various corrupt dealings still held his vow - never to resign lest he dies. He gave conditions that his ouster will only come along with the exit of among others, the Kenyan prime Minister, Raila Odinga. He even played the tribal card pitting his constituents (Kipipiri) against the rest of the country. This was akin to incitement witnessed after the last general elections that saw many Kenyans rise against each other and the destruction of property throughout the country. Mr. Kimunya's behavior during the last few days show that he was more than ready to go this route.

According to Kumekucha a local authoritative blog, "The tribal card may have worked devastatingly well for the foxes that we call our politicians, last January. However this time round it may not work as well"

"There are a number of factors that are against Kimunya’s survival. For starters it is clear that the vitriol we saw in parliament during the historic censure debate last week was mostly personal" (read the full post at Kumekucha)

He almost turned his own misery into a PNU- ODM fight which could have seen the collapse of the grand coalition. Little did he know that the coalition stands more important than one Amos Kimunya. He needs the coalition, not the other way round.

Sources close to the treasury indicate that the Kimunya was actually fired given the dangerous political temperatures that he was raising in the country. However clean Kimunya claims to be, many in the coalition inner circle believe that it's stability is pegged on trust and cannot stand such kind of scandals and reckless behavior. He had to go. Both the President and the Prime Minister vowed to ensure the success of the grand coalition.


1. Aides to Rogue Kenyan Finance Minister in Shady deal Paraded in Shame (List Includes Kenya’s Central Bank Governor)
2. Corrupt Deals by Rogue Finance Minister Threatens Kenya’s Young Grand Coalition Government
3. Britain, Tony Blair and Mugabe are to blame for Zimbabwe’s woes.

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