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Thursday, September 13, 2007

Submit your articles for The 5th Carnival of African Enterprising to be hosted right here in October

The 5th Carnival of African Enterprising will be hosted right here and in the prestigious “African Executive Magazine”. This edition will also be featured in the annual Africa Resource Bank meeting where Branded will present all views expressed by The Carnival participants.

The Carnival Topic "Positioning Africa in the 21st Century" is sponsored by The “Africa Resource Bank Meeting” which will be held in Tanzania from the 11th to 14th November 2007.

(All interested bloggers who may wish to attend The “Africa Resource Bank Meeting” meeting in Tanzania are welcome to register “HERE”.

The objective of the theme is to Explore the reason behind the success of the West and Emerging Eastern Economies and how they can be applied in Africa.

All intrested Bloggers are requested to submit their content/Articles along any of the following topics or any other topic that you may find relevant to Africa in the 21st Century:

1. Effects of colonization on Africa's Economic Development
2. Who invented Africa and how can Africans gain from it?
3. The role of Aid and the future of Africa
4. Migration and the brain drain debate
5. Global warming and the future of trade in Africa.
6. Business and Entrepreneureship culture - Lessons from the East
7. Leveraging on China's thirst for raw materials to develop Africa
8. Economic Intergration in Africa
9. Tax harmonization in Africa
10. Alcohol policies in Africa
11. Reviewing the education system to meet the needs of Africa
12. Promoting the African Voice.

Submit your articles today.


Benin said...


With every post your blogging skills grow by leaps and bounds. I am very proud of you.

I wish so much that I could go there, but my passport just expired and I must rush to renew it and hope that it will be ready in time for my journeys next year. Evidiently, there is some sort of mini crisis within the part of the u.s. post office that handles US passports and they are taking 4 to 5 months to get them finished. Imagine that, aye?

Anyhow, you have opened my eyes on IREN, the site is impressive. Let's get together on the carnival.

branded said...

Hey Benin,
Thanks for passing by,
I thought the pasport delay issues only happens in this part of the world?
Thanks for the nice comments, I will always insist that Branded is your creation. Anyways I want this to be a HUGE Carnival so Lets beat the Drums.
PS: If you know of guys who would ike to go to Tanzania for the meeting in November, let them contact me directly. Thanks